Tucker Carlson meets with the FBI to Rig the 2020 Election

In perhaps the most surprising admission made since the 2020 election ended, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, admitted that the FBI had pressured him to remove the Hunter Biden story from Facebook, labeling it “misinformation”, just before the election. This was confirmed by Joe Rogan in an interview.

There are two reasons why this is so crazy. The first is that the FBI had no right to intervene in private businesses regarding which political stories are allowed to run. This is a terrible attempt, considering that the FBI had pledged not to influence the election outcome. Secondly, and far more damning is the fact that the FBI knew at the time that the laptop was real, having been in possession of it since 2019.

In short, the FBI went to private companies to disinformation the Hunter Biden laptop tale. They knew full well they were lying. This qualifies for direct interference in an electoral election in order to place Joe Biden into the White House. It took place under the supervision of the current FBI Dir. Christopher Wray.

Tucker Carlson is the country’s most-watched cable news anchor and he attacked the FBI for manipulating the 2020 elections. This is the correct phrase.

Tucker segments examining collusion between Facebook/Big Tech. The Hunter Biden laptop story was censored by Facebook: “When Facebook told the FBI that they were censoring it on the eve a presidential election,” said Zuckerberg. They intervened in the previous presidential election. pic.twitter.com/uxkL7QHe7A

— American Firebrand (@FirebrandPAC) August 26, 2022

The FBI has a history of abuses and corruption, but this is the most concerning because of the consequences that have been wrought upon the nation. Federal law enforcement actively put their thumb on the scale in a race that was ultimately decided by around 40,000 votes in three states. Donald Trump could have been elected today if the Hunter Biden story had not been quickly censored, and dismissed as Russian disinformation.

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Instead, we were met with Joe Biden. He is a vicious and senile criminal who is currently embroiled in his most recent impeachable crime. He is also using the FBI to serve as his secret police. This was most evident in the recent targeting of two men accused of “stealing” Ashley Biden’s diary.

All the while, Biden was ignoring Americans who might dare call for accountability. You are not respected by them.

It feels as if the WH crossed lines last week that cannot be ignored. This behavior is unacceptable. These policies are illegal and immoral.

They couldn’t be more concerned. They don’t respect you.

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) August 25, 2022

There have been lines crossed that cannot be uncrossed. While there were times when things felt like they were crumbling, it feels so different now. All pretenses have been dropped and Joe Biden now appears to be the dictator he really is. What would Joe Biden do differently if he tried to destroy the nation? He has all the power in the federal government. These agencies can destroy lies and make the world go crazy.

I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but please tell me that it’s not. Please tell me I am not overreacting, and the recent breaches aren’t dangerous. But you won’t tell me because I am right.

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