Tuesday: John Fetterman’s Brain is ‘Abby Normal.’

A man of color who heard some frightening noises and grabbed his shotgun to chase a black jogger. That’s no headline from Georgia. It was John Fetterman in Braddock PA. Fetterman heard the gunshots. Fetterman quickly grabbed his shotgun to chase down the man he had just seen. The shotgun was pointed at the jogger. He was jogging and was wearing a black shirt. Oops. Oops. Fetterman did not shoot the jogger but, in normal times, it would have been disqualifying anyone who holds a higher office. But it didn’t. He should also have been disqualified. He lived with his parents until he was 49.

By 2019, Fetterman was Lt Governor of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a state that has both statewide and national tickets. Pennsylvanians elected Tom Wolf to be their Lt Governor. Fetterman was included in this package deal. The guy who the Democrats nominated for the US Senate has only won a stand-alone election for a city with a population that would fit inside a small High School gym.

Fetterman looks like Bernie Sanders, but with a beard. It’s not that it is wrong, but Fetterman looks almost like an over-sized Klingon in Animal House. It’s not a good idea to dress like an idiot college student. Fetterman’s answer to some of the biggest issues in DC. “There is work .” Okay, John. You don’t have the skills to do it.

About three months ago Fetterman had a stroke. Fetterman is “recovering” now and recently delivered a stump speech to Erie. Eerie indeed. Fetterman can be described as “not right” in just three words. He is incapable of thinking. Fetterman has a mental impairment and is unable to deliver anything that could be considered a coherent policy opinion. He is not capable.

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Fetterman is a consistent talker, but he cannot actually speak. He attacks Oz for being wealthy . That’s it. Oz is done with the gloves. This was covered by Bonchie, my colleague. Oz and his team demanded that Fetterman be debated. Fetterman has no choice but to refuse. Oz may use Fetterman’s refusal to accept it as proof that Fetterman is “not right”. If Fetterman debates Oz will burrow him. He’s like Oz, whether he disagrees with policy. But if he debates the matter Oz will bury Fetterman.

Oz could be attacked because Fetterman is infirm, so he should be cautious.

I don’t need to be cautious. Fetterman said, “isn’t right”, in either mind or for Senate. Fetterman lives. This is it.

Does John Fetterman skip leg day? pic.twitter.com/WCyzD1DXxW

— Brick Suit (@Brick_Suit) August 22, 2022

Fetterman seems also to have “pec day “…

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