Biden “marks” anniversary of Taliban Takeover


CHARLESTON (S.C.) — Instead of ignoring Monday’s first anniversary of Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, President Biden went on vacation and made no statements or public appearances calling attention to the foreign policy blunders that his administration has committed.

His weeklong vacation at Kiawah island, South Carolina is over. It’s a private beach and resort. Except for Sunday’s bike ride along with Jill Biden, he has never ventured outside in public.

When asked by the media Sunday if he would speak to them, he replied, “no.” The official itinerary for this trip has no scheduled events, and will conclude Tuesday.

The president insists that he was “on the telephone a lot” during his vacation.

But, Mr. Biden still hasn’t acknowledged that the Taliban took over the capital of Afghanistan one year ago. Biden returned from Delaware to discuss the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan troops last year.

Republicans took advantage of Mr. Biden’s anniversary celebration in South Carolina and branded him an out-of touch politician.

SEE ALSO: Afghanistan Chaos: GOP Report reveals more details about the disastrous withdrawal of Biden’s administration

“Biden’s most recent vacation was as badly planned and tone deaf as his withdrawal form Afghanistan. “It’s in America’s interest that Biden go on a permanently vacation and retire,” stated Will O’Grady of the Republican National Committee.

The White House has not responded to our request for comment.

The House Republicans released Sunday a damning report outlining how the Biden Administration was left in chaos and didn’t have any plan for evacuation of Kabul.

See also  Ted Cruz calls out the Biden Administration for Facilitating Human Trafficking

Vice president Kamala Harris and high-ranking Defense Department officials were so unprepared, they needed to ask veterans groups for assistance in the evacuation, according to the report.

It was also discovered that only 36 State Department personnel were on ground at Kabul’s airport in order to assist Afghans fleeing the Taliban.

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