Liberals are warning of “Christian nationalism”, while some conservatives accept the



Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene believes it is a new branding that Republicans need to embrace. It has been equated with violence and racism by the media. It’s a club that Democrats are eager to take advantage of to attack GOP candidates in the fall.

It’s the most popular political term of the moment. The term is being used to refer to the rising popularity of religiously-inclined conservative candidates in the MAGA style and their supporters, who sweep them to victories in local and state races.

Many left-leaning people and their supporters in the media are concerned by the rise of anti-woke Republicans, pro-Jesus-oriented individuals. John Blake, a CNN producer said that the movement was “potentially violent and insidious.” Dean Obeidallah, MSNBC’s executive producer wrote that the movement was “a threat to democracy.”

There’s no common definition for “Christian nationalism” but it is a loose term that refers to God-infused populism, which both sides are trying to exploit to their advantage.

Being a Christian nationalist for conservatives like Mrs. Greene (the outspoken Georgian first-term Congresswoman) is not something to be ashamed of.

“[Republicans] must be the party nationalism. I am a Christian and say this proudly. We should all be Christian nationalists,” she stated in an interview.

She is not the only one calling for an outspoken and Trump-inspired mix-up God and country.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert told his followers in June that the church was supposed to lead the government but the government wasn’t supposed to…. This separation of state and church junk .”

is getting old.

The energy and support of evangelical voters was credited for several Republicans’ success in the midterm elections. This includes Doug Mastriano, the Pennsylvania governor’s candidate, and Herschel Walker the Georgia senator candidate.

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Both put faith at the forefront of their campaigns. Critics have charged Mr. Mastriano with “resurgent Christian nationalism”, accusing Mr. Walker and Mr. Walker respectively, for calling God’s blessing upon their political activities.

“Christian nationists pose a serious threat to our republic,” Andrew L. Seidel (Vice President of Strategic Communications for Americans United for Separation of Church and State), stated in an email. They’re losing demographically so they are raging against their prive .

Democrats believe that Christian nationalism in November will attract more voters than it draws, especially considering polls showing that religious observance is declining among Americans. Gallup revealed in June that 81% Americans believe in God 6 points less than 2017, 11 points below 2011..

” It is very plausible that there would be a Christian nationist surge within some churches, driving away people with different opinions. “Trumpism was in general very divisive within many church circles,” stated Christian Smith, a University of Notre Dame sociologe who studies religious disaffiliation trends among youth.

The Rev.

The Rev.

” Just because the country is statistically majority Christian doesn’t necessarily mean that the government must be Christian.” Father Reese stated. While most of the founder fathers were Christians, they recognized that England was a divisive place and how it became when one side of Christianity overtook the government in order to force their beliefs on the people .”


An ex-U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann from Minnesota, a conservative Republican, says that liberals are using the issue to lower GOP turnout.

“Christian Nationalism is Progressive Propaganda,” said Ms. Bachmann in an email. She was the dean at Regent University’s government school in Virginia. Because they are aware that Christians will vote for candidates who support biblical issues .”

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, progressives seek to split the Christian vote.

Some conservative evangelicals agree. Rick Green (ex-Texas state representative) said that it was a fabrication to believe America’s Founding Fathers intended to exclude religious beliefs from politics.

” Are ‘political questions’ only the everyday issues that we face? Do we not need instruction from our priests, priests and rabbis on how we can apply our faith to these issues? “If someone is forced to leave their worship place because their leader has the guts to give something pertinent, it’s most likely that they want to follow the self and not the faith,” said Mr. Green.

Some religious conservatives, even on the left, have reacted angrily to Mrs. Greene’s declaration that they are Christian nationalists. It fuels Democratic Party efforts, to put the label on all Republicans, including Virginia Governor. Glenn Youngkin, and Lt. Governor. Winsome Sears — openly discussing Christianity.

” To my mind, it should be avoided as the term has no objective meaning,” stated Mark Tooley of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. This conservative Protestant think tank is headed by Mark Tooley. It is not a Christian political witness, or any mention of God that secularists believe it to be.

Marvin Olasky is a protestant journalist. His idea of “compassionate conservatism,” inspired President George W. Bush’s creation of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives 2001,. Olasky said that the language offends many sincere Christians.

” The Constitution is an excellent document, and America has received many blessings. But America isn’t ancient Israel. We’re not God’s chosen people. Mr. Olasky stated in an email.

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Analysts caution that the public’s perception of recent Supreme Court decisions, which they see as a “religious takingover,” could harm Republican candidates who believe in Christian nationalism. Last term, the high court upheld Joe Kennedy, Washington’s high school football coach and allowed him to pray after each game. It also overturned Roe V. Wade’s constitutional right for abortion.

Six of nine court justices, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and Sonia Sotomayor are Catholic. Neil M. Gorsuch is a Catholic who attends Episcopalian worships.

All except Justice Sotomayor voted in support of evangelical Christian views regarding those topics.

Pastor David Lane is a California-based evangelical leader and founder of the conservative American Renewal Project. He said that it was a mistake for Christians to view recent Trump-infused politics in a Christian sense.

“No Christian calls for an American theocracy,” he wrote in an email. “The Christian Nationalism label is the latest attempt by religious secularists remove American Christendom out of the public square to favor their belief system, called secularism

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