Texas Clinics Stop Aborting After a State High Court Decision

Texas Clinics Stop Aborting After a State High Court Decision

AUSTIN (AP) — Texas clinics have shut down their abortion services after the Supreme Court of Texas, the country’s second largest state, blocked an order that temporarily allowed some cases to continue with the procedure. This is the latest in a series of legal scrambles that have been taking place all across the nation since Roe v. Wade was reversed. A three-day-old ruling allowing abortions to continue up to six weeks after the due date was overturned Friday night. The American Civil Liberties Union stated that it was doubtful any state-provided abortions are being offered. Whole Woman’s Health claims that the Texas Supreme Court ruling has forced them to cease offering this procedure at its Texas four clinics.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP), — After the Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocked an order allowing abortion to continue in certain cases in some cases in Texas, clinics shut down Saturday’s services. This is the latest legal scramble taking place in America following Roe v. Wade. Wade.

The Friday night ruling halted a Houston judge’s three-day-old order that said abortion clinics can resume their services up to six weeks after the due date. On the next day, American Civil Liberties Union stated that it was doubtful any abortions are being offered in an area of almost 30 millions people.

Amy Hagstrom Miller is the president of Whole Woman’s Health. She said that because of the ruling, abortions were stopped in four Texas clinics. Workers were closing down their abortion services and having “heartbreaking discussions” with those whose appointments had been canceled.

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” “I feel sorry for ourselves and the people to whom we have devoted our lives with the amazing abortion care that we provide, many of which will be denied this right in the coming months and perhaps years,” Hagstrom Miller stated in a statement.

Planned Parenthood in Texas’ multiple affiliates had not yet resumed services after Tuesday’s restraining orders.

The issue was an old 1925 criminal statute that penalizes individuals who perform abortions. After abortion was made a right in the U.S. Constitution, clinics argued it was invalid. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roe’s landmark decision June 24,, leaving states with abortion policies.

“Pro-life victory! “Pro-life victory!”

Attorney General Ken Paxton was a Republican who asked for the intervention of Texas’s Supreme Court.

Separately, Texas has an 2021 bill that is designed to prohibit abortion in the case that Roe are overturned. In the coming weeks, it will be in effect.

“Extremist political leaders are on a crusade against Texans to force them into childbirth and pregnancy against their will,” stated Julia Kaye, of the ACLU.

Patients and providers across the nation have struggled to understand the changing legal landscape surrounding abortion access and laws.

A law prohibiting abortions in Florida after 15 week went into effect on Friday. This came after a judge declared it to be a violation the state constitution. He said that he would temporarily block it until next week. Because Florida allows abortions in greater numbers than other states, the ban may have wider implications for the South.

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Even if they are not in an abortion-banning state, women may still have options for ending their pregnancies. However, the possibility of being prosecuted could follow them.

Planned parenthood of Montana has stopped offering medication abortions for patients living in ban states this week.

Planned parenthood North Central States offers this procedure in Minnesota and Iowa. However, patients are told they have to take both the pills while being in an abortion-friendly state.

Pills have been used to terminate a pregnancy ever since 2000,, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved mifepristone (the main medication for abortions). It is combined with misoprostol (a medication that causes cramping and empties the womb), to form the abortion pill.

Google, which is the dominant search engine on the web and also powers Android, announced Friday that it will automatically delete information from users visiting abortion clinics, or any other locations that might cause legal issues.

Google also mentioned counseling centers, fertility centres, addiction treatment centers, weight loss clinics, and cosmetic surgery centers as places that will be removed from the location history. Google now offers an additional layer of protection by allowing users to modify their local history.

“We are committed to providing robust privacy protections to people who use products and will continue to seek out new ways to strengthen these protections,” Jen Fitzpatrick (a senior vice president at Google) wrote in a blog.


White was reported from Detroit.

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