Monkeypox and The Face Of Gay Promiscuity

Health & Medical

Promiscuous homosexual German man nearly dies from monkeypox. He had also been diagnosed with HIV and advanced syphilis, but didn’t realize


That’s quite a horrible photo, isn’t it? It’s a 40-year-old German monkeypox patient whose nose began to rot off after he caught the disease. It turned out that he had HIV and was unaware of it. He also was suffering from advanced syphilis, which was a shock to him. Doctors told him that he hadn’t been tested for sexually transmitted infections. He was out there, celebrating diversity like a champion, but now his nose has partially rotted. He may have passed on HIV, Syphilis and Monkeypox to others along the way, but it is not known who.

Meanwhile, New Orleans is so far going ahead with its big Labor Day weekend Southern Decadence festival, an LGBT event that draws 275,000 to the French Quarter for six days of sex, dancing, and debauchery. The last two years of Decadence were cancelled due to Covid but it was not because of monkeypox. However, the event is sure to become a huge success.

I will never understand the death desire of a culture where a man such as the anonymous German is present. Take a look at this collection of articles from medical journals, compiled by Joseph Sciambra (once a promiscuous gay man, now a chaste Christian), testifying to the shocking health realities of gay male culture. For example, according to the CDC in 2017, 60 percent of syphilis cases were found in only two percent of the population: gay men.

I remember hearing in the media that homosexual men are far more promiscuous then straight men, because society forced them to. If homosexuality is accepted and same-sex marriage allowed, then that will change. It was impossible for me to believe because I understood that homosexual men are insanely promiscuous, not because of their sexual orientation but simply because they’re men. A normal male, unrestrained by any religious or moral scruple and facing a variety of willing partners, that man will most likely act exactly like gay men. Up until now, heterosexual men had to deal with the culture of women’s restraint. This was the same argument made by Randy Shilts (a gay journalist who published AndThe Band Played on ) and who died from AIDS later. Straight men had expressed envy at gay men who could enjoy so many sexual experiences because they weren’t subject to the constraints of women. Everywhere you looked, there was someone — usually several — who would say “yes” whenever you asked.

The United States has had legal same-sex marriages from coast to coast since 2007. The culture of debauchery is not changing. This was never going to change. It was never going to change.

If all of this is the norm in gay men’s communities (note: not for lesbians), what chance do young gay males have to not get caught up? Our society has made homosexuality largely un-stigmatized, and this is for good or ill. If a gay young man wants to live a “normal” life of dating, marriage and courting it seems possible. It is hard to imagine how possible it would be with the debauched cultural norms of the gay male community. Gay male readers: What advice would you offer an adolescent gay man if he wants to stay out of that trap? If you are unable to access the comments section please email me at rod

In the late 1980s, during the height of the AIDS crisis, a New Orleans friend who is very liberal and pro-gay, though a heterosexual woman, told me a story about being out on the streets on Mardi Gras day. She said that she and her boyfriend were crossing lower Bourbon Street, the heart of the city’s gay community, when they saw a teenage boy, couldn’t have been a day over 17, staggering drunk (or drugged) and naked through the crowd of men. His rectum was covered in blood, feces and urine. It was likely that he had been raped. He was not being helped by anyone in the crowd. He wandered aimlessly, lost. He vanished into the mass of gay men, almost-naked, partying on the streets. My friend claimed that the sight of this poor child, possibly infected by HIV, made her feel so upset that she requested her boyfriend to bring her home.

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We don’t talk about such things. This is against the Narrative. It happens. Although it isn’t the entire story on gay male culture, it’s an important part.

UPDATE: Along these lines, here’s a strong essay by Bridget Phetasy about her regret over being a “slut”. Excerpt:

But if I’m honest with myself, of the dozens of men I’ve been with (at least the ones I remember), I can only think of a handful I don’t regret. Rest I’d put into the “casual” category. This would be sex I consider meaningless, mediocre or both. Having be honest with myself I would say that most of the usually drunken encounters made me feel empty and demoralized. It was also worthless.

I wouldn’t say that then, however. I’d have said that I felt “liberated” at the time. I also tried to forget the rejection I experienced when my last hook-up did not call me back. One-night stands would have made me feel “emboldened” at the time. But, in truth, I was actually using sex as a drug, trying to fill an empty space inside of me with men. (Pun intended. )

I am not supposed to regret most of the sexual encounters I had. For years I did not. To be honest, I don’t regret being a “slut”, nor sleeping with many men. To justify my behavior of being a “slut” and making myself available to men, I said that I didn’t care.

I didn’t mind when a man ghosted my. He left me in the middle or implied that he wanted to take my place. The walking of shame. The blackouts. Anxiety.

The lie that I kept telling myself for years was “I’m not experiencing pain”–I feel empowered.

It is not surprising that I told myself lies. Since I was young, sex was something that I was told lies about.

Sure, I am. If that term can be used to describe men, I wasn’t a “slut”. It took me some time to realize that the things I was being told about sex by my culture (the world) were a lie. Although I wasn’t sexually active during my pre-Christian years it was because of the effort. The misery that I experienced after the act was completed slowed my progress. After that, everything was crystal clear: The lies I had told my women and me about our activities. Although I enjoyed sex, it was more about me wanting it to be about real love. It was okay for it not to have any meaning, as that was what I thought. This was a lie. Only after I converted and learned the importance of chastity that was when I realized the real meaning of sex. This kept me from giving my life to Christ for many years. I believed that I was entitled to sexual pleasure without commitment. Weren’t they able to put an end to the hypocrisy in our parent’s generation? Weren’t we, you know, liberated? I believed it with my mind but my heart and body said differently.

For me, truth was brought to me by the possibility that I made a woman who I had gotten into a drunken relationship with pregnant. If she did, I knew that she had had an abortion. I also realized that my refusal to allow her to have one would not erase the guilt that she would feel for my stupidity. The ugly truth of my life was revealed to me. This was an important moment for me in moral reckoning. It was a moment of moral reckoning for me. I thought back to my previous relationship with a woman. She had believed I loved her because she said it with my body. When I ended up with her, I was shocked. I was able to find her online years later and ask for forgiveness. It was a mystery to me. Mostly. I was aware of this, though deep down I wasn’t. I just did it because I didn’t want to become a Christian freak.

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The man in the photo above with his horrible nose bears an external sign of an inner reality. Never had an STD or disfigurement. Inwardly I was still sick. It was a regrettable decision. I got to the point, in 1992, of realizing that I wanted the truth, and Christ, more than I wanted my desires. It was clear to me without any doubts that those in church who claimed that I had latent Christian sins were outdated and should be ignored were deceivers. Between my conversion and marriage I struggled with chastity for four years. But, in those desert months, my spirituality matured and I was able feel the truth in my body of what I accepted with my mind.

The Sexual Revolution is embodied in the promiscuous homosexual male culture. They aren’t the only ones guilty, however.

UPDATE.2: From NBC News:

Since the outset of the global monkeypox outbreak in May, public health and infectious disease experts have told the public that the virus is largely transmitting through skin-to-skin contact, in particular during sex between men. Now, however, a growing number of experts believe that global monkeypox transmission is likely to be due to sex between men, both oral and anal. Experts say that the risk of contracting sex is likely to be less.

In recent weeks, a growing body of scientific evidence — including a trio of studies published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as reports from national, regional and global health authorities — has suggested that experts may have framed monkeypox’s typical transmission route precisely backward.

Imagine this: Monkeypox can be considered a homosexual STD. However, public health professionals chose to believe that it did not stigmatize gay man promiscuity. The Holy Narrative. You should never, ever, stigmatize gay sexual liberation. People’s noses have begun to rot and are in terrible pain. This is especially true for those who can’t control their pants.

UPDATE.3: Comments from readers emailed to me below. This is Brad,

I’ve been a long-time reader of your blog, first time commenting, but I feel I have something to say on your ask of what to tell young gay men facing “the community”.
First, a brief background. Been with my husband for 20 yrs. Legal for 7. Before we were legally married, we had houses. When you have your own debt, you’re together for the better or worse. It was what I called the “gay men’s marriage licence”. I officially came out when I was in my early 20’s and having to do it again all over as a small “c” conservative. The second time I came out was much more difficult and painful. In this process, my husband and I lost many friends but gained many new ones.
I would tell young gay men to steer clear of the official “community” there’s nothing for you there of any meaning. Because for many gays that is their only identity, we have very few gay friends. Both of us are more than that. That person should live their lives, make friends all around, and not only do I recommend that they welcome the gay community with open arms. While most gays seem happy, you can see that many are suffering from depression and anxiety. This level of recklessness and nihilism is just insane.
Not sure if that’s a real answer, but I’ve found life to be very happy and fulfilled and that’s because I haven’t spent all my time surrounded by professional gays but live life with people from all walks of life.

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Reader Jonathan:

I’m a 41 year old guy living in Northern California, engaged and monogamous for the last 5 years. Prior to that, I had a long period of online dating in my late twenties/thirties. However, it was a milder experience than what an average straight man who dates regularly experiences. It was a lot of experimentation, but not crazy. What I enjoyed most was getting to know guys, discovering my style and what I wanted from life. Although I enjoyed the sexual side of things, it was not my favorite part. I had always been cautious with STDs. However, I would be lying to say that I didn’t feel the pull from this mindset. Maybe those were the things that tempered me. I am a late bloomer and an introvert. Maybe I just happened to be lucky. It’s about finding balance and cultivating deeper forms of happiness.

Realistically, I think what we should hope for is that young gay men will follow a similar path to straight men who themselves usually date, have a period of exploration, and then eventually settle down. It’s not hard to see how this happens. This has been known since thousands of years, going back to classical systems. Although you may choose to live a philosophy-hedonistic lifestyle (as Epicurus did), moderation is crucial for enjoying pleasure.

Studies have demonstrated that men who are highly educated and high-achieving attract women more than those with lower intelligence. They also tend to live a more monogamous life style. They can subliminate themselves, regardless of their career or interests. Sublimation is a negative word in today’s society. Instead, call it moderation or balance. It’s possible to enjoy excess of some things or just a small amount. It seems to me that those who are most content with a small amount of things tend to be the happy ones. You know, variety-is-the-spice-of-life kind of thing. However, it is easy to get too focused on one thing.

I’m not religious but have a more pragmatic ethics than many Christians. Your blog is a refreshing read. You seem to be a genuine person who cares about real issues and willing to share his thoughts. That is something I admire. Monogamy to me is more an ideal, which people don’t often live up too, than an existential requirement. It’s an ideal that is still true in the sense that it can be a real goal. This power of thought and philosophy has been part of my life for many years.

Open relationships are a very common thing in gay men’s world. There are signs that this might be happening to straights, according to the Zeitgeist. It’s hard to predict the future, but it seems that humans will have to find a way of balancing their desires against each other. It’s not difficult to ask the fundamental question: What should we do with our limited time on Earth? Since I am not religious, books are my main source of meaning in life. The idea of a deeper, more spiritual way to live has never left my mind.

The best advice you can offer is to help your children develop a greater understanding of the pleasures of life outside of the sexual. This includes intellectual understanding, joy in helping others, authentic spiritual search, artistic or aesthetic satisfaction. As with everyone, young people are less likely than others to seek extreme pleasures (drugs and sex addiction). However, they can learn how to create lasting happiness by making more social, intellectual and moral connections.

These are great. Keep ’em coming.

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