
Pride and Prejudice

The monkeypox epidemic is a sign of bigger problems in gay culture.

I have not been to an orgy. As far as I can tell, I have never been to an orgy. Perhaps I am naive but this kind of experience is still outside of the normal range of human experience, at least for heterosexuals. However, since the monkeypox epidemic, I have learned it is quite common within the “LGBT community

And where did this information come from? It was from the horse’s mouth. First it was a fellow named Sebastian Kohn, who told The Guardian that he contracted the disease after having sex with “several guys” during Pride weekend in New York City. That was just the beginning. The World Health Organization now requests that gay men have “reconsider” anonymous sex.

It’s quite strange that these orgies are covered in all the major newspapers. Public-health bureaucracies don’t discourage homosexuals from attending sex parties. Homophobia is a charge against those who practice it. This is almost like male homosexuality being characterized by a total and complete refusal to control one’s sexual desires.

A conservative who points out the fact that homosexual men are more promiscuous than other people will be charged with homophobia. It’s been that way since the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. Yet the fact remains that chastity–or even monogamy–would render one virtually immune to monkeypox (or AIDS). This is something we’ve all known.

This is why the “community” they live in has been decimated by STIs. These diseases aren’t common in gay men. These illnesses can be prevented. Gay men are at great risk. In the past forty years, very little has been done to change this situation. Alas.

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There is one important difference. In the 1980s, the media was reluctant to discuss the gay lifestyle in any detail. Many straight people believed that homosexuals were just like them, but with different guys. Nobody wanted to discuss what actually happened at the bathhouses.

Then, in the 1990s, gay conservatives like Andrew Sullivan began pushing the idea of same-sex marriage. The gay conservatives promised they would allow homosexual couples to get married and that this could lead to them being domesticated. They would be able to rise to the occasion if only heterosexuals allowed them to participate in state-sanctioned Monogamy. They’d get married, settled down and have a happy life together. Actually, in his landmark 1989 essay for The New Republic, Mr. Sullivan predicted that homosexuals would “embrace such a goal with as much (if not more) commitment as straights.”

Pop culture helped to make gay men more prominent by creating shows such as Will & Grace or Modern Family. Perhaps they played a bit with their feelings when single. They really just want to meet Mr. You can buy a McMansion and then adopt a child from China. This is the American Dream.

Over the years, there was a belief that the more gay people were accepted, the better. This is a blatant lie. Gay men are not domesticated.

A gay man may tell you that this is a great thing. As Mr. Sullivan noted, gay men are often unsure whether that’s a good thing.

This is not a moral judgement. This is a simple fact. They were not looking to become normal. They got what they wanted. However, I believe history could have turned out differently if we had known what we do now.

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Really the monkeypox epidemic has given the public an inside look into the lives and private thoughts of “LGBT people.” This may prove to be a turning point. Progressive media outlets don’t realize how big a cat they have let loose. Although they may not be aware of it, most Americans will be shocked at these men’s prostitution and recklessness. Maybe reporters in The Guardian have always known that Pride Week is just a huge, open-air free-for-all. But I’d wager that 90 percent of Americans did not. This could forever change our perception of the “LGBT community”.

And it’s more than promiscuity. It’s also the recklessness. Everything we’ve seen since the beginning of this new pandemic has confirmed what the old, “homophobic” medical establishment said about gay men. Male homosexuality doesn’t look like heterosexuality. It is only shared with two men. It is what happens to the brain that causes a man to be overwhelmingly attracted towards other men. This also appears (apparently), lowers his inhibitions.

I hope that it is obvious that homosexual men deserve our compassion and love. This is especially true for those with diseases such as AIDS and monkeypox. There are clearly men who have intimate, close relationships with their male counterparts. This is something that can’t be denied.

But it is equally true that gay men have been self-involved to the point where they are self-destructive. The last 40 years of gay-rights activism haven’t made things better. The opposite of what is happening is actually true. It’s not compassionate to cheer these men on while they destroy themselves.

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What would it be like to cease cheering on them? For one, governments–federal, state, and local–should stop hosting Pride events. Our countrymen shouldn’t be encouraged to become part of a “community”, which has a higher incidence than the rate experienced by heterosexuals.

We should give our fellow countrymen the right to seek voluntary psychological treatment, which might help them get rid of unwelcome same-sex attraction. This is known as reparative therapy. However, it is more commonly called “conversion therapy”. The LGBT lobby has been tirelessly trying to ban reparative therapy. They also think that 16-year-olds should be able to have sex-change surgery. Timmy doesn’t have the chance to be a girl if he wants. He’s in the right spot if he wishes to become a girl. )

We tried to make gay people, and especially gay men, better off by accepting homosexuality as an opportunity for social change. This experiment has been going on for over 40 years. This experiment has claimed thousands and thousands of lives. It has also failed.

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