No matter what your opinion, you are now a part of the Resistance


The main difference between leftists and conservatives is the desire to have as little government involvement as possible in their daily lives. Conservatives desire the freedom and ability to create a company and manage it without having to deal with bureaucratic regulations, freedom and flexibility to educate and indoctrinate their children, as well as the opportunity to reap the benefits of their labor. Government action should be limited to the protection of the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness .

On one hand, progressive leftists desire government involvement in all aspects of our lives. They are prepared to work every day to accomplish that goal. Progressives are not interested in volunteering or being part of community groups. Instead, they protest and demand that the government be responsible for everything. When they aren’t protesting or agitating they spend their time on social media looking for their neighbor’s wrongdoing and making their life miserable.

Conservatives tend to be very focused on their families, careers, and community involvement. They don’t have the time or energy to get involved with politics or any local school boards. Leftists have made schools into indoctrination centres and, now that they control both the White House and Congress, can rule over us all tyrannically, just as the FBI invaded the house of an ex-president over “documents .”


Now it is up to you and all of us. While all we want is for our government to leave us alone and carry out its narrow, Constitutionally-defined duties, we don’t have the option of sitting on the sidelines. You have been called into this battle, and you are now part of “The Resistance,” whether or not you want it to.

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Leftists already showed us they don’t stop. They do not slow down. They move on to the next goal. They are still unable to control the judiciary, which is their next objective. The next objective is to pack the courts and destroy every ounce of freedom you have.

We all have a role, or a job, in The Resistance. It is for me and RedState to keep you informed about the latest happenings in the country, as well as publish the most innovative investigative journalism. (Did You know that Barbara Ferrer, LA County Public Health Director was made to resign due to Team RedState’s investigative journalism exposing corruption?

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