Note – This commentary “Moore to The Point” was broadcast on NewsTalkSTL Wednesday, August 17th. Below is the audio.

As summer ends, Americans wrap up their vacations. This includes President Biden who has been officially on vacation in South Carolina from last Wednesday.

On Tuesday afternoon he was to be back at the White House for a short time to sign the absurdly named “Inflation Reduction Act”. Then he would head off to Delaware to take…more vacation. It’s unclear how much longer, especially considering that Jill Biden is now suffering from COVID, and will have to stay in South Carolina for isolation.

Even though he isn’t on vacation, Biden still takes many mini-vacations to Delaware. He’s usually not out golfing though. This would make Trump look too Trumpy.

I don’t think Biden should be allowed to take a vacation, especially after a long bout with COVID. It seems like Biden could really use a vacation. He is 79. We all can, frankly. A break from his verbal gaffes and foreign policy mistakes, as well as his poor domestic policies. Even when he is on vacation, his bad policies continue. This administration doesn’t give us any vacation.

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