Nadler Prevails at Maloney’s End in New York Democrat Dog Fight

Rep. Jerry Nadler easily defeated Rep. Carolyn Maloney Tuesday in New York’s marquee Democrat primaries. This ended a fierce race between two New York Powerhouses in a fight to retain their seats in Congress.

Nadler was beating Maloney, his congressional colleague of three decades, 56 percent to 27 percent as of the time of this writing. NBC called the race shortly after polls closed at 9: 00 p.m. local time.

Nadler and Maloney, two chairs of major House committees, Judiciary and Oversight, were forced to face each other in New York’s 12th District race in Manhattan after the state’s congressional lines were redrawn to combine parts of both their districts.

Maloney during her campaign sought to make the case that voters should not “send a man to do a woman’s job” in an appeal to liberal voters who perceive that women’s rights are at stake in the wake of the pro-life movement’s Roe victory.

Maloney was supported by the National Organization for Women, feminist Gloria Steinem and an endorsement of her push for the Equal Rights Amendment. She also lamented the inequalities between the total U.S. population and the number women represented in Congress. population.

Maloney said at one point that Nadler had told her to “leave and stand aside” once their redistricting dilemma became apparent and that she felt that sentiment was sexist, according to the New York Post.

When Nadler picked up a prized endorsement from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, another New York Democrat bigwig, Maloney dismissed Nadler and Schumer as being members of the “old boys’ network,” per NY1.

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Nadler, for his part, focused his campaign on solidifying his left-wing bona fides, contrasting his “principled, progressive” voting record with Maloney’s, as reported by NY1, and holding a post-Roe abortion-related hearing through chairing his committee around the same time Maloney held the same through her committee.

Both Maloney, Nadler had a difficult time with their campaign with President Joe Biden’s affiliation. He remains widely unpopular.

Maloney particularly flipped out on queries about Biden’s second term. Most recently, she told the New York Times “off the record” that Biden was not running in 2024, and when the Times did not agree to go off the record, she clarified, “He should not run again.”

Nadler, when posed a similar question, said it was “too early to say” if Biden should run again.

In addition to being backed by Schumer in his race, Nadler picked up hefty endorsements from the New York Times and Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Another gift that Nadler received was possibly an endorsement by a New York titan, ex-President Donald Trump who last week announced in a statement filled with humor his support of Maloney.

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