Another Attack on Human Dignity


Once you have agreed that you have the right to have children, all floodgates will open.

Three people walk on a wall at Corona del Mar State Beach in Corona del Mar, CA on Monday, November 16, 2020. Photo by Paul Bersebach/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

For 49 years, the pro-life movement in the United States has fought to defend unborn children from the brutal assault of abortion. It was clear that the goal was to overturn Roe. Wade.

These efforts to protect the dignity and rights of unborn children won a major victory. But the culture of violence that continues throughout the country (and which is continuing in several states) is just one aspect of the pernicious culture for death behind Reproductive Rights. The proliferation of assisted reproduction technologies, which have dramatically increased in popularity over the last several decades, are less violent but equally as harmful to these children’s dignity.

The pro-life movement in general overlooks the use of these technologies, including IVF, artificial Insemination and surrogacy, when they defend the unborn. This is largely because many of the largest pro-life factions, which are dominated by religious groups, have their own opinions on the matter. Pro-lifers greatly undermine their credibility by ignoring the obvious assaults on dignity of unborn children that assisted reproductive technology makes. Abortion is a method that considers a baby to be subhuman and an object to be killed as unconvenient. However, assisted reproductive technology procedures are based on the assumption that everyone has a right for a child. These procedures reduce the desire to have children and make them a commodity.

Although abortion may be a more difficult target, it is still a popular choice for pro-life activists. It is easy to argue against abortion when a child already exists. The supposed grey areas surrounding abortion do not conceal the fact that it is evil to deliberately end a life. The assisted reproductive technologies, on the contrary, are designed to produce. No one enjoys the idea of telling a couple who is suffering from infertility that they will not be able to have a child.

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Prolifers may be able to provide support for women who are pregnant and point them towards many centers that offer tangible help. There are no quick fixes for infertility. Unfortunately, natural procreative technology does not always work. Adoption is not a viable option. A further problem for advocates is figuring out what the nuance means: although artificial reproduction technologies can be considered a violation of human dignity, children who are born through such techniques are just as worthy and deserving in dignity than their natural brethren. The pro-life movement is well aware that the circumstances of conception don’t determine one’s worth, and this problem can be overcome.

The difficulties of condemning assisted reproduction technologies must not be excused by the pro-life avowedly to remain silent. There are many abuses of human dignity that can be found in the artificial reproduction industry. Many IVF procedures involve direct killing of human life. This is especially true when embryos that are not chosen for implantation have to be destroyed. They are then frozen until their use, if they cannot be destroyed. However, freezing frozen embryos can often result in their death. When an unplanned number of embryos are implanted and survives, selective reduction can be used. In IVF, many embryos may be used in one implantation, in hopes that at most one of them will survive. These deaths could be classified as collateral damage and not intentional killings. However, it is clear that the lives of these babies are treated as disposable. Each baby is sacrificed to ensure that one or more of their siblings can live long enough for adults.

I can only offer the most genuine sympathy, not empathy to couples who desire children but are unable or unwilling to conceive them. Many of the people I love and know have suffered through infertility and recurring losses (primary or secondary), but those are not crosses I’m willing to accept. However, no one’s personal experiences or mine will change the fact that artificial reproduction technology procedures can result in the death a single embryo. It is morally incoherent with a vision that values human dignity and upholds every life’s intrinsic value.

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Artificial reproductive technology must adhere to its fundamental premise, that we owe children. This basic premise is the savior of every pro-life argument. A human being with an inviolable dignity cannot be owed another. My husband is the best thing in my life. But, I didn’t deserve him. I don’t need my children to fulfill my family dreams or complete my life. Artificial reproductive technology creates a world where children are seen as things that can be achieved, and desires to fulfill, rather than the gifts they deserve.

Once we accept that we have the right to have children, all doors are open. No clear criteria are required to obtain a child. They can use whatever methods. We now have designer babies. After all, if I have the right to have a child, then I also have the right to have one that is genetically superior. We have also seen the rise in same-sex relationships (and even throuples) over recent years. Surrogates or sperm donors can be used to create their desired family. Single women who are determined to have children may use artificial insemination to get pregnant, rather than wait for the perfect man.

In these situations, parents will ignore the child’s needs in order to fulfill their wishes. Same-sex couples knowingly deny their children either a mother or a father, despite ample evidence that children fare best when raised in the homes of their (married) father and mother. The career-driven woman realizes that her baby is not going to be a boy or girl until late in her pregnancy. She then robs the father of her child and leaves the responsibility to an anonymous donor. Actress Mindy Kaling, herself a single-by-choice mother of two children, recently gave an interview in which she not only defended her choice to have children by herself, but indeed encouraged young women to freeze their eggs in order to make this choice at the most convenient time for themselves (ignoring the health risks of egg harvesting).

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Kaling is also a vocal advocate for abortion rights. While she loves her children more than anything, her words show that her view of the creation of children only through the eyes of her parents’ wants and needs. Her belief is that a child should not be born and carried to term. They are actually the last achievement on your personal and professional list.

While advocating for egg freezing to allow artificial insemination is undoubtedly a extreme position, it isn’t surprising. Pro-life organizations and individuals would not support Kaling’s cruel treatment of the creations of life. They are tacitly supporting the logic which leads to children being seen as an accessory by choosing to not stand against these procedures.

If we are really referring to what we are saying in the pro-life movement, that children are irreplaceable and unique lives that we don’t have the right destroy, then it is important to also say that they aren’t commodities that can be made at our will.

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