Kuehl, LA Supervisor Calls Opposed to the Potential Mask Mandat ‘Snowflake Weepies’

While our superiors show a remarkable lack of compassion for their actions and edicts ever since COVID was introduced, Sheila Kuehl, the powerful Los Angeles County Supervisor took matters to new depths at Tuesday’s board meeting . She said she’s heard from critics in opposition to a new mask mandate that may be launched Friday, July 29, and took aim at them:

I was struck by the backlash from many, but not all, of snowflake weepies regarding how oppressive wearing a mask is.

Snowflake weepies?! If you have ever wondered if the authorities really care about you then you will now know that they don’t. Further, she compared mask-wearing with everyday clothing like shoes and shirts:

I don’t think they are writing about shoes. Shoes can be more painful than wearing a face mask, but that is only for your health.

This is too stupid to warrant an answer, but I will give it anyway. The truth is that shirts and shoes do not affect your ability to communicate with others, to breathe, or, for very young children, to learn how to recognize faces. It is well-known that masks can cause impaired learning ,. However, you don’t have to list many studies or graphs. I know from my own experience. My three children were taken home by their parents after being locked down for more than a year. When they finally were allowed back in, the lockdowns caused severe trauma to my children. They had to be mask up and vaxxed. Plexiglass was used to separate them from their teachers.

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Also, other people were not impressed:

A message from my 6 year old daughter Parisa to embattled, childless @CountyofLA Supervisor @SheilaKuehl who referred to kids (and their parents) who don’t want to be muzzled all day as “Snowflake Weepies.” @adamcarolla @ReopenCASchools @urgencyofnormal @UprisingLa @LASchools pic.twitter.com/oz4LOfTUWX

— Houman David Hemmati, MD, PhD (@houmanhemmati) July 27, 2022

The measures were similar to child abuse and took a horrible toll on our children. It makes my blood boil to hear Sheila Kuehl’s cold-blooded response, “Snowflake Weepies”, about the childless, octagenarian.

We’ve witnessed so much hypocrisy in our leaders’ actions, including Gavin Newsom’s trip to French Laundry, a costly restaurant, and Nancy Pelosi visiting a salon during lockdowns. It should not come as a surprise that Kuehl, whose card is carried by the Hypocrites Club, is also enrolled. She made national news in 2020 for dining outdoors mere hours after voting to ban outdoor dining at restaurants. They are now hoping for Act II.

Kuehl has a history of treating her constituents like trash. She responded this way to her constituent from her district:

Unreal… @SheilaKuehl calls one of her constituents a “Coward” after her snowflake weepie rant.
This is the kind of representation you can only expect in Los Angeles county https://t.co/HyfNqrEBAz pic.twitter.com/58tWS05T9W

— Kevin Dalton (@KevinForBOS) July 26, 2022

This isn’t Kuehl’s first outburst at people she claims to be representing. You can see why Dr. Houman Hemmati and his daughter in the above video aren’t fans of the former Dobie Gillis star.

Barba Ferrer, Los Angeles County Public Health Director will make her decision about the mandated mask by Friday. Jennifer Van Laar, RedState and RedState extensively reported on Ferrer’s corrupt leadership style and corruption in LA County. Read more here. We will let you know when the decision is made public. I am sure I speak for many people when I say that I hope she doesn’t bring back forced masking.

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I’d love to see my children fully heal from their last abuse mandate, before they give me a new one.

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