
It used to be that criticizing the COVID vaccine would result in you being “canceled”. Just ask Alex Berenson (who was kicked from Twitter because he told the truth). After suing the company, he was reinstated. )

Now, that President Joe Biden is afflicted with the Wuhan Flu virus, critics have been rushing to get out of line. The initial message from the authorities was that the vaccines would prevent the transmission of the virus. However, when it became clear that this was not true, they changed their message to “it will stop you getting really sick” and that even that seems suspect. We will talk more about that in a moment.

But first, check out this incredible video that shows the shifting message around the jabs.

Facts are cruel to the foolless. pic.twitter.com/rrk8mf4Xnw

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 23, 2022

I remember attending a party recently where a friend mentioned that she had COVID and was in a very bad state. She explained that she didn’t venture out of her home for almost two years. I was vaccinated and had my boosters twice. It would have been worse had I not gotten vaccinated!” She laughed at me and I faked a sneeze to hide my irritation. Is this not success?

Do you recall the phrase “pandemic among the unvaccinated?” It was false. People who have been vaccinated can get the “rona” virus. Some scientists are even studying whether or not vaxxed people are at higher risk of getting infected. My colleague Bonchie also reported that Dr. Deborah Birx, a former Trump COVID advisor, openly confessed to lying about vaccines in order to get people to take them.

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The press has gleefully echoed any official message from Joe, Fauci or the CDC; almost no one asks questions. Tucker Carlson stated on Thursday that science is all about asking questions. Science is questioning, so anyone who tells you you’re anti-science for asking a question doesn’t understand what science is.”

His guest were Harvey Risch (MD, PhD), Professor Emeritus, Yale Institute for Global Health. He worried about the future of government trust:

I’m worried about the credibility of medicine, about public health, about government institutions, about congresspeople even. None of these people have been open and honest about it.

Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health – scary…
Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight pic.twitter.com/bhgcPE4v5e

— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) July 22, 2022

Friday evening Tucker invited Naomi Wolf to speak about college requirements for students to get vaccinated.

It’s much more serious than they’re [the vaccines] not helpful for kids. Data are out — children are statistically at low risk, and there is no risk of serious harm from COVID. However, data continue to pour in showing that these vaccines can cause harm to young people, babies, and even adults.

You spoke of the severe bleeding young women report. For being the first person to mention this side effect, I was deplatformed one year ago. Young men are also suffering from heart damage, pericarditis, myocarditis…

Alex Berenson was even more blunt, writing on his Substack Friday:

The mRNA vaccines have failed.

Provably. Indisputably. Centers for Disease Control’s risk estimations are based on data from hospitals and states that deliberately underestimate the number of Americans who were hospitalized or have died.

The mantra of the government has evolved over time as I have mentioned. They now rely on the “vaccine will protect serious illness” mantra. But even that claim is being questioned, as Berenson writes in another post:

The RIVM – a Dutch Ministry of Health research institute – stated that a two-dose Covid vaccine offered no protection from hospitalization. Worse, vaccinated people were 20 percent more likely to need intensive care than the unvaccinated.

“There was hardly any visible protective effect of the COVID-19 basic vaccination series against hospital and ICU – intensive care- intake,” the researchers wrote (understating the case).

More people are questioning vaccines now, and that is good. Even the New York Times ran a piece on July 15 pointing out that the jabs cause bleeding issues in women. It doesn’t matter if you agree with each critic; the important thing is that these questions have been asked. The federal government and the media have kept any information negative about shots hidden for too long. While you can decide to have one, the truth should be known.

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