“Who?”/Whom?” — Monkeypox Edition


‘Whom/Whom’ — Monkeypox Edition

Be aware of the pandemic formula. Christian pastors are bad; homosexual pornstar orgiasts good

You might be familiar with Lenin’s method of determining morality in an act. It involves identifying who did it and to whom. A member of a disfavored organization could commit a crime, but a member who does it to another group might do an act of heroism.

This was evident during the initial months of Covid. The US Government had declared that no one should ever go out and gather in GROUPS. The rules of epidemiology and public health were suddenly suspended after the death of George Floyd, the righteous and holy, in order to fight racism and Black Lives Mattering.

Now it’s the same with monkeypox. This disease seems to only affect men who have had sex with other men in the US. For holding services at churches in certain areas during the Covid epidemic, you could be sent to prison. Now, monkeypox means you don’t have to go to jail for holding church services in certain areas during the Covid pandemic. You can also brag publicly about your attendance at gay orgies, even after being diagnosed. These are the self-described gay porn stars

I have monkeypox. Although I am not fishing for sympathy, since my internet reputation is quite unabashed, I thought I would give an honest account about how and why I developed the symptoms to educate others. Get in ()

— BabethePigBoi (@BabeRogersxxx) July 22, 2022

You’d be wise to have a full stomach. This is the definition of scum. More:

Believe it or not it gets worse.

I don’t understand these people. He’s obviously a terrible person. But, even if you are a terrible person, would you still brag about it? That’s part the depravity. This isn’t an anonymous individual. This is someone with a name and who lives in Palm Springs. California is the same state where this happened:

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In our world, Christian pastors and gay orgiasts both are bad. Who/whom, remember? Perhaps there’s no law that would allow Babe the Pig Boi, a gay organization member to be charged and arrested for his actions. Why not? But why not? Is it the case that going to church and potentially spreading Covid while praising God is BAD, but going to a gay orgy and having sex with 15 to 20 men, is a sacramental act of liberalism, and therefore must be not only tolerated, but celebrated, because Pride?

This is what we believe in. This is the definition of privilege. Notice that the Canadian news network CTV and the World Health Organization are here engaged in blatant propaganda, for the sake of managing the narrative. Monkeypox was brought on by a European rave, claims the TV reporter. Yes, scientists do believe that two raves in Europe were where the current outbreak really began — but they were both gay male raves, and scientists believe it wasn’t the dancing, but sex among the men attending that caused the disease. CTV hears from a WHO expert that this isn’t a gay-related disease. This is not the case in Europe or North America. They lie. Fauci lied for what he believed was the greater good, and now these lying liars are lying, because they care more about protecting Liberalism’s Sacred Victims than they do the public health, or social justice.

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