What is the Middle Age Spread?

Did you know that an average American adult gains 30 weight by the time they turn age 50?? Even though people tend to eat less during this period, weight gain occurs. Research has long shown that it is harder to lose weight or keep up an exercise routine if you are between the ages 30, and 40– at midlife. It’s less effective to exercise than in the past.

NIH researcher Jay H. Chung believes he and his collaborators have identified biological factors that could explain the weight gain. They discovered that an enzyme called DNA-PK (DNA dependent protein kinase), slows down metabolism and makes it harder to lose fat.

The team found that muscles in mice and monkeys do not show any DNA-PK activity before middle age. The enzyme activity gets more active in middle-age.

COULD blocking this enzyme increase fat burning? Researchers used a drug to stop the enzyme working. The drug protected obese mice from developing type 2 diabetes by preventing them from gaining weight when they were fed high levels of fat. It also improved the fitness of middle-aged and obese mice.

“Our society attributes the weight gain and lack of exercise at mid-life (approximately 30-60 years) primarily to poor lifestyle choices and lack of will power, but this study shows that there is a genetic program driven by an overactive enzyme that promotes weight gain and loss of exercise capacity at mid-life,” Chung says.

These findings were made in animals. This drug type has not been tried in humans. This drug might have side effects or not work in certain people. These questions will not be answered until there is a solution. Follow your doctor’s advice for healthy eating, exercise, and keeping fit.

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