How to Steal from Progressives


Lawsuit alleges that top BLM leader siphoned $10 million from racial justice charity

One of the top three leaders of Black Lives Matter has been accused in a lawsuit by colleagues of stealing $10 million from the group. Excerpt:

Shalomyah Bowers was called in the court filing as a “rogue administrator, a middle man turned usurper” who siphoned contributions to the nonprofit activist group to use as a “personal piggy bank,” according to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday.

Bowers actions led to the foundation being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service as well as various state attorneys general. The suit states that the action “blazed a path for irreparable damage to BLM in under eighteen months.” “While BLM leaders and movement workers were on the street risking their lives, Mr. Bowers remained in his cushy offices devising a scheme of fraud and misrepresentation to break the implied-in-fact contract between donors and BLM.”

Bowers didn’t just get to the top by grifting, but he also learned a lot. His accusers were accused of acting white:

Bowers and his group denied all claims of financial misconduct and chastised those suing him for “falling victim to the carceral logic and social violence that fuels the legal system” in taking legal action against him. They would prefer to follow the steps of white oppressors to use the criminal justice system that is supported by white supremacy (the system they claim they want to abolish) to resolve movement disputes, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation board stated in a joint statement.

Here’s a link to the statement. The statement begins with

Today, we should be talking about Biden’s “Safer America Plan,” which funds the police and enables and encourages state-sanctioned violence against our communities. Jackson’s water crisis is a case in point. White supremacist leaders allowed Jackson’s water system failure to continue its destructive effects on our communities.

For the record, as terrible as the situation in Jackson, Miss., is, the city is 82 percent black and its elected leadership is black. It has had black mayors since 1997. It is also one of the most violent cities in America, with a homicide rate 15 times the US average.

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How violent is Jackson? The yearly homicide rate there in 2021 was 97.6 per 100,000 residents. By contrast, here is a list of the most violent countries in the world. The worst? El Salvador, whose homicide rate is 52 per 100,000 residents. This is right, the capital city of Mississippi has a homicide rate twice that of the most violent countries in the world.

Regardless of what the BLM leadership may say, most-black Jackson is not affected by a dearth in police presence.

Tax filings earlier this year showed that BLM spent $12 million on luxury properties. The self-described “Marxist” co-founder of the group, Patrice Khan-Cullors, bought four luxury homes. Grift, grrift, and grift: Making a fortune by promoting racism. This dodgy outfit deserves what it gets, and I believe the corporations and people who invested in them deserve their money. This was 100 percent predictable.

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