You can watch the video at

You can watch the video at


Ohio Republican Senate Candidat J.D. On Wednesday, Vance’s first campaign advertisement was released. It featured his favorite person, Usha.

” “I loved our first ad where my favourite person tells me my story,” Vance said. We fight for Ohio, it’s home. Ohio was my first chance .”

to be a child.

In the 30-second ad, Usha gives a brief summation of Vance’s life, as popularized in his book Hillbilly Elegy and the Ron Howard-directed movie starring Glenn Close and Amy Adams.

” Our family’s story begins in Ohio,” Usha says.

Usha was reminded of J.D.’s early days in Middletown. He dealt with an addict mother and an absent father.

” My husband J.D. grew up Middletown, and it wasn’t always easy,” said Usha. His mom was a recovering addict, while his father wasn’t there. J.D. J.D. His loving grandmother raised him and served his country in Iraq .”


The ad ended by hailing Vance, “an amazing father” and “a fantastic husband”, who wanted to give Ohio the same thing that Ohio gave him: “A fighting opportunity .”

” He is an amazing father and he has been my best friend since childhood.” she said. “J.D. shared his family’s story in Hillbilly Elegy and he wishes for Ohio what Ohio has given him: a fighting chance .”

I love the first ad where my favourite person shares my story. Ohio is our home and Ohio was my first chance to fight.

— J.D. Vance (@JDVance1) August 3, 2022



” The Democrats will spend millions, but they have a flawed candidate for president who received exactly zero percent of the vote. Trump stated that the bottom line was, Ohio must see a Republican win.

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” This endorsement is difficult for me because I admire and like some of the candidates in this race. They’ve spoken great about Trump and they, like me love Ohio. J.D. is the most likely to defeat the weak, but dangerous, Democrat opponent. I’ve carefully studied this race. J.D. is most likely to defeat the weak but dangerous Democrat opponent. This is because they have so much money .”


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