Report: California School District spends $20K for ‘Woke Kindergarten,’ which aims to disrupt whiteness

A California school district has reportedly spent tens of thousand of dollars on an “Woke kindergarten” organization. It focuses on supporting children, families and educators in their efforts to support abolitionist education, and pro-black, queer, and transliberation .”

According to reports, the Golden State’s Hayward Unified School District recently contacted the organization for a month-long training session for staffers at Glassbrook Elementary School, where they will apparently learn how to “disrupt whiteness, white dominant/settler colonial narratives and anti-Blackness in the Glassbrook community.”

Woke kindergarten, which is described as an “abolitionist, global early childhood ecosystem and visionary creative portal”, was established by Akiea Gross (who goes by the they/them pronouns).

Gross, in the “who we are” section of the website, is described as an “abolitionist early educator, cultural organizer and creator currently innovating ways to resist, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy, Woke Kindergarten.”

The website features a series of 60-second videos which advance anti-police sentiments, as well as LGBT propaganda and radical gender ideology:

The website features an area that offers the “woke words of the day.” These past words are “abolish,” protest, and anti-racist .”

One of the workshops advertised on the website focuses on “abolitionist teaching in the early years” and states that “Ki illuminates the ways the prison industrial complex manifests in early childhood and takes participants on an exploration of how we can disrupt the PIC through a comprehensive and interactive journey into Woke Kindergarten’s abolitionist early learning pedagogy.”

The district is reportedly spending $20,000 on these types of trainings for employees of the elementary school.

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According to the Washington Examiner:

The contract was first noticed by the parent activist group Parents Defending Education. Erika Sanzi, the parent organization’s director of outreach, called Woke Kindergarten “ideological indoctrination” that has “no place in a kindergarten classroom or any classroom.”

The news is coming as midterm elections near and voters vote on education. It was clear last year when Virginia Governor. Glenn Youngkin (Republican) won Virginia after mounting controversy about parents who were fighting with members of radical left school boards, demanding an equal say in education.

Florida Republicans have taken legislative action, standing against Critical Race Theory and passing this year’s Parental Rights in Education Bill.

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