Magnesium can prevent diabetes and cancer; what’s the best way to supplement magnesium?

People today lack magnesium. Dietary surveys conducted in Europe and the United States show that the intake of magnesium is mostly below standard for people on a Western-style diet, and the amount is only equivalent to 30 percent to 50 percent of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA).

In the past century, Americans’ dietary intake of magnesium has decreased from about 500 mg/day to 175 to 225 mg/day. Sixty percent to 80 percent of Americans consume only 185 to 235 mg of magnesium per day. Many children today eat too much, and are not getting enough magnesium.

Animal as well as human studies show that inadequate magnesium intake increases the risk for atherosclerosis. The presence of fat plaques in the blood vessels. Children who have died in an accident, including children as young as 5-6 years old, showed signs of atherosclerosis early in autopsies.

Today’s Food Has A Significantly Lower Magnesium Content

The main causes of this magnesium deficiency in modern times are modern agriculture, chemical fertilizers and an increase in processed food intake.

Sandy, acidic and light soils often lack magnesium. Soils today are less rich in minerals , which means that crops and vegetables from these soils have a lower percentage of magnesium than they used to be. Modern agriculture uses chemical fertilizers to increase crop yields. This can lead to low magnesium levels in food. For instance, since 1968, the magnesium content of wheat in the UK has fallen by 19.6 percent.

Some food processing techniques , like the refining of grains to remove germ or gluten can result in significant magnesium losses. The loss of magnesium during food-refining processes is considerable: 82 percent reduction in refined flour, 83 percent reduction in polished rice, 97 percent reduction in starch, and 99 percent reduction in white sugar.

The modern diet includes soft drinks, processed food, and a reduced intake of seeds and legumes. All of these factors affect magnesium absorption in the body.

During water softening, many minerals that are beneficial for the body such as magnesium, are taken out of the water. High levels of phosphates in soft drinks, processed food, and especially meats reduce magnesium absorption. Although beans and seeds contain a lot of magnesium, it is not often found in Western diets, making the daily intake difficult.

Due the stress of work and life, many people are addicted to coffee and drink excessive amounts of ethanol. The body will become deficient in magnesium due to excessive intake of caffeine and ethanol HTML1.

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In addition, extensive exposure to aluminum (such as aluminum cookware, deodorants, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, aluminum foil, and baking materials) in daily life is also an important factor in magnesium deficiency. The body loses magnesium five times faster than it absorbs.

Some drugs can also affect the body’s absorption and utilization of magnesium, especially diuretics and insulin.

Is it very difficult to detect Magnesium deficiency?

Magnesium, which is fourth in human bodies after calcium and potassium, is the most common element.

Fifty percent to 65 percent of magnesium is stored in the skeleton, forming the bones together with calcium and phosphorus; 34 percent to 39 percent of magnesium exists in muscles, soft tissues, and organs; and the amount of magnesium in blood is less than 1 percent.

The normal serum magnesium concentration range is 0. 75 to 0. 95 mmol/L. Hypomagnesemia occurs below this level.

The body controls magnesium ion levels by balancing intestinal absorption with renal excretion. To maintain a stable serum magnesium level, the body will take magnesium from the bones, muscles and other internal organs if it is not needed.

However, magnesium in the body is often difficult to monitor, so it is also known as the “forgotten element.

Moreover, serum magnesium levels often do not accurately reflect magnesium contents in different parts of the body. The serum magnesium level can be normal or abnormal, but it does not exclude magnesium deficiencies.

For example, chronic latent magnesium deficiencies can cause blood magnesium levels to remain within normal limits despite low magnesium levels in the tissues and bones. The use of serum magnesium levels to assess the magnesium content in the body could lead to an underestimation as to the extent of magnesium deficiency.

Recent evidence suggests that serum magnesium/calcium ratio is an easier and more sensitive way to determine magnesium status. Its optimal value is at 0.4.

Magnesium Deficiency Can Lead to 6 Major Diseases, Which Can Be Improved by Magnesium Supplementation

Magnesium plays a major role in nearly every major biochemical or metabolic process within cells. This includes bone development, neuromuscular function and energy storage. It also helps with the metabolism major nutrients like carbohydrates and lipids. These common conditions are related to magnesium deficiencies:

  • Diabetes

Magnesium is an essential factor for the metabolism of carbohydrates and a sensitizer for insulin.

If intracellular magnesium levels drop, this can cause more calcium to enter adipocytes. This could increase oxidative stress and inflammation as well as insulin resistance. Magnesium is also important in controlling the rate of glucose absorption.

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The International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium has suggested that magnesium supplementation can have multiple health benefits for diabetics. Higher intakes of magnesium have been linked to a lower chance of developing diabetes. A 100 mg increase in daily magnesium intake can reduce the risk of diabetes by 15 percent.

  • Osteoporosis

Magnesium deficiency can be one cause of osteoporosis. A study of more than 70,000 postmenopausal females shows that reduced intake of magnesium resulted in lower bone mineral density of the hips and the entire body.

A large number of studies have also demonstrated that increasing the magnesium content in food or ingesting magnesium supplements can improve bone mineral density and reduce the risk of fracture in patients with osteoporosis.

  • Cardiovascular diseases

Magnesium is able to relax blood vessels, regulate blood pressure and help lower blood pressure.

People with relatively high magnesium intake have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. High magnesium levels can reduce your risk of developing ischemic heart disease or coronary heart disease.

Researchers in the United States followed more than 13,000 people aged 45 to 64 years for 12 years and found that those with the highest serum magnesium levels had a 38 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death than the group with the lowest magnesium levels.

  • Pain

From a neuroscientific perspective, magnesium is essential for neurotransmission, neuromuscular transmission and pain relief.

During migraine attacks and in between, serum magnesium levels are lower and magnesium concentrations in the brain also drop. The American Academy of Neurology states that oral magnesium may prevent migraines.

Magnesium may also have analgesic and pain-relieving effects on patients with chronic pain.

  • Cancer

A diet deficient in magnesium increases the risk of cancer.

Magnesium deficiencies increase the risk of DNA mutations. They can also lead to inflammation, elevated levels of free radicals, and possibly even cancer.

Increasing magnesium intake can lower the risk of developing or dying from at least eight kinds of cancer ,, including lung, breast, colorectal and pancreatic cancers. Drinking water with high levels of magnesium can lower the likelihood of developing esophageal and prostate cancers.

  • Parkinson’s disease

The level of magnesium in the cerebrospinal fluid of Parkinson’s patients is negatively correlated with the duration and severity of the disease. The level of magnesium found in patients’ cerebrospinal fluid drops as Parkinson’s disease severity and duration increases.

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Researchers in Japan found that increased levels of magnesium in the diet can reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.

The Correct Way To Supplement Magnesium

The recommended daily intake of magnesium for adults varies slightly from country to country, ranging from 310 to 320 mg/day for women and 400 to 420 mg/day for men.

Magnesium is found in and is also very abundant ..

First, we can obtain up to 30 percent of the recommended daily intake of magnesium from drinking water every day. The water must not be purified or softened. It is instead hard water like tap water or mountain spring water that are rich in minerals.

Magnesium can also be found in many non-refined food. While produce today has less magnesium due to the soil, some foods have a higher level of magnesium, though in lower amounts than in years past. All good sources of magnesium include legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. The magnesium content of cocoa powder is high at 2 to 4 mg/gram, according to the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database. Therefore, a 40-gram chunk of 70 percent to 80 percent cocoa dark chocolate contains about 40 mg of magnesium, which is approximately 10 percent of the recommended daily intake.

In the case of diseases caused by magnesium deficiency, there are also exogenous magnesium supplements that can be taken orally.

Organic chelating magnesium, such as magnesium citrate, magnesium malate, and magnesium aspartate, is recommended for relatively better absorption.

The recommended supplementation amount for this type of magnesium is 200 mg per day, and it has also been shown that a smaller daily intake in multiple doses is better absorbed than a large one-time supplement. Usually, after 20 to 40 weeks of supplementation, the body’s serum magnesium concentration can reach a relatively stable state.

Recent research has shown that magnesium can also be absorbed through sweat glands. You can use a magnesium-rich body lotion to massage the skin and then take an Epsom salt (magnesium sulfurate) bath.

Additionally, magnesium sulfate baths can be used to treat constipation and abdominal pain. Take a relaxing bath using magnesium-rich bath salts tonight. You can also replenish your magnesium-rich body by taking a bath with salts containing magnesium.

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