Why did it take so long? Then, they claim that dog names are racist


This episode of “You can’t make this stuff up because left-wing loons already did “...

This nutjob story shouldn’t be surprising considering the left’s determined drive to call virtually all things in America “racist.” Let me rephrase: Anyone who hasn’t been living in (white) reality since Barack Obama’s reign, this nutjob tale is no surprise.

Obama looks even “better” today because of the left-wing radicals.

Coincidentally, fellow Americans: Some of the names that we give to our dogs are racist. You didn’t know that!

According to a Social Psychology Quarterly study, a disparity in adoption times for dogs exists based on “racial associations” with the names we give America’s favorite pets. The bottom line: Bottom line: Dogs with names that sound “white” are much more likely to be adopted than those with Hispanic or black names.

Shocked? Me, neither.

“But how much do racialized name matter when they don’t belong to people?” Social Psychology Quarterly asked, “almost” like the leftist study was done with an already-determined conclusion, so that the study could be used as “proof” to show that “racist America” is not untouchable, even the names that we give to our furry friends.

As noted by Campus Reform, correlations were largely concentrated around pit bulls, “a breed that is stereotyped as dangerous and racialized as Black,” according to the study. Pit bulls, which are based on their tendency to rip to shreds innocent people or their owners is not my favorite, do get some negative media ,. But I digress.

Back to the Social Psychology Quarterly Study.

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I want to be honest here. But this ridiculous “study” is insane in its depth, breadth, graphs, charts, mathematical equations, myriad of footnotes, and whatever else the authors apparently assumed they needed to “prove” their race-obsessed assumptions about “racially-associated” dog names — a conclusion I have no doubt was reached before the study was conducted.

In deference to “succinctness,” the following are the hypotheses of this study:

Hypothesis 1: Dogs with White-sounding names will have shorter times to adoption, compared to dogs with names that are not perceived as White. Black and Hispanic names are more likely to be adopted than names with other names.

Hypothesis 2: The effects of racialized names will be stronger among pit bulls than among other breeds. Pit bulls with white-sounding names are more likely to be adopted than pit bulls whose names aren’t perceived as White. Pit bulls with Hispanic or Black names will take longer to adopt than pit bulls whose names aren’t perceived as Hispanic.

Hypothesis 3a: Nonhuman names will be associated with shorter times to adoption, compared to dogs with names that are perceived as human.

To the contrary:

Hypothesis 3b: Nonhuman names will be associated with longer times to adoption, compared to dogs with names that are perceived as human.

And off to the analytical-to-the-max races, the study’s authors went. There is one problem.

Try as I might — and I might have missed a table or two along the way after my eyes glazed over — but I didn’t see a single example of a “white-sounding” or “racially-associated” dog name example. These “brilliant academicians” might suggest it is similar to the old definitions of porn. It’s hard to define but it is easy to see.

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Dr. Nefertiti Walker, Ph.D. Professor at UMass Amherst and Vice-Chancellor, who ponders on such “critical” topics as culture, exclusion and inclusion and equity was enthusiastically all in:

Fascinating research that supports the resiliency of racialized names and the pervasiveness of antiBlackness. You must read the work.

“Fascinating Research” and “must read work.” It is, but it’s not.

Fascinating research that supports the resiliency of racialized names and the pervasiveness of antiBlackness. It is a must-read work. https://t.co/5me6YhsbYh

— Dr. Nef (@NefWalker) June 7, 2022

Regardless, this ridiculous, scientific-y “study” within the no-longer hallowed halls of academia is just one more effort to racialize every aspect of America that race-obsessed useful idiots eagerly vomit on America.

The only thing that can be considered “racially” in this pile of dog poop, is its own.

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